Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Mom's Garden - Part 3 (Trilogy)

The final subject is the most interesting one. One of the reason I decided to go for a DSLR is because the shutterlag is significantly less compare to P&S. I thought that I could shoot fast moving object easily.... well, it is still pretty difficult as I found out. Been trying hard to capture a decent photo of bird for month, all I get is only blur, out of focus, no bird etc... total failure.

Until now, I learn some skill along the way. The most important is patient. I don't know what species is it (do let me know), below are 3 of my best:


Lunch Time


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Mom's Garden - Part 2 (Trilogy)

The second set of photo is also bee, but another type. I found that there are 3-4 type buzzing around. However, I only able to capture the 2 of them and here goes:

Friday, January 06, 2006

Mom's Garden - Part 1 (Trilogy)

During the Christmas weekend, I went back to my hometown in Ipoh. There is some interesting subjects in my mom's garden. First subject(my favorite), Bee. I didn't bring along my Macro lens and have to make use the D70s kit lens. It is quite scaring as I need to virtually stay close to the subject. At time, the bee will be iritated and fly around me to investigate what I'm doing (or maybe as warning to buzzzz off).

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year